firefox火狐浏览器绿色版是一款自由的、开放源码的浏览器,它还有其它一些高级特征,如标签式浏览,可以禁止弹出式窗口。内置了钓鱼保护、改变标签浏览行为、能够重新打开以外关闭的标签、更好的支持网页订阅的预览和订阅、拼写检查、javas cript等。firefox火狐浏览器绿色版适用于windows, linux 和 macos x平台,它体积小速度快,全球用户数量第一的浏览器,不需要理由!
火狐浏览器mozilla firefox现已更新至v50 正式版,新版启动速度大幅提升,另外firefox 50添加了对emoji表情的支持、优化了页面查找功能、ctrl+变迁循环浏览功能,及一些新的偏好设置等等。版本控更新走起!
2016.11.15 v50.0 final
updates to keyboard shortcuts
set a preference to have ctrl+tab cycle through tabs in recently used order
view a page in reader mode by using ctrl+alt+r (command+alt+r on mac)
added option to find in page that allows users to limit search to whole words only
added guarani (gn) locale
increased availability of webgl to more than 98 percent of users on windows 7 and newer
added download protection for a large number of executable file types on windows, mac and linux
improved performance for sdk extensions or extensions using the sdk module loader
playback video on more sites without plugins with webm eme support for widevine on windows and mac
fixed rendering of dashed and dotted borders with rounded corners (border-radius)
various security fixes
added a built-in emoji set for operating systems without native emoji fonts (windows 8.0 and lower and linux)
blocked versions of libavcodec older than 54.35.1
changes for web developers