

0.0 游戏类型:赛车空战 游戏语言:英文 游戏价格:6.00 游戏大小:6.2 MB 更新时间:2013-08-28 开发商: iGameZone 标签: 苹果 单机


  • 游戏简介
iRace engages you in a speedy way as you may not experience ever.&nbsp

its a quite innovative car racing game by blasting and shooting the rivals which assaults in a speedy way.&nbsp

And as you compete one level, more difficulty streets gets into act.&nbsp

Two sensors ,Tilt (move device left and right) and Touch.&nbsp

Nothing gonna stops you ,once you starts excepts the collide.&nbsp

How amazing it is when the traffic is ONE WAY and the speed of cars on the track are in RANDOMLY fashion.&nbsp

Blast power gives you to bash rivals.&nbsp
Bullet power gives you to bash rivals.&nbsp

Well, its most dangerous when the power time is unknown....

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