fscapture抓屏工具集图像捕捉、浏览编辑、视频录制等功能于一身!堪称截图神软,小巧和强悍,使用过程易上手,很流畅,各种设置,使截图有了超越其本身的创造性,不但具有常规截图等功能,更有从扫描器获取图像,和将图像转换为 pdf 文档等功能。特别是屏幕录像功能,质量堪比专业屏幕录像软件。
faststone screen capture,屏幕捕捉,独有的光滑和毛刺处理技术让图片更加清晰,提供缩放、旋转、减切、颜色调整功能。只要点点鼠标就能随心抓取屏幕上的任何东西,拖放支持可以直接从系统、浏览器或其他程序中导入图片,收藏夹功能让你能更好的从enet收集更多精彩图片。
faststone capture v 8.4 (january 14, 2016)
* added support for high-dpi/high-resolution/4k monitors
* added a tool called screen focus, which helps you stay focused on the task under the mouse pointer by dimming the rest of the screen
* added an option to show file names to the output of the “join images side by side” tool
* added “adjust lighting” to the colors menu
* enhanced the resize tool so you can resize the image based on pixels or percentage
* enhanced the screen color picker. now you can:
* press space/+/- key to zoom in/out. picking a color from an enlarged image is easier
specify prefix and suffix to customize the format of rgb, dec and hex values
* enhanced the “acquire images from scanner” tool by allowing you to adjust the colors and lighting of scanned images
* other improvements and bug fixes
• 基于官方英文原版汉化制作
• 集成注册信息,解压即可无限制使用
• 完全便携绿色化,解压到任何地方都可使用
• 完善7.9没有汉化的一些字符串,无壳无个人信息
– 增强了绘制工具,添加了:
- 椭圆形文本框
- 放大镜
- 荧光笔 3 个选项(长方形、圆角和椭圆形)
- 所有注释对象的预设颜色
- 捕获面板添加了“捕获前延迟”选项。延迟计时器可用于捕获下拉/弹出式菜单
- 其他小改进和错误修复